Rumble (2023)
In a post-WWII American suburb, a reclusive woman loses sleep over the mysterious aircraft tests 
happening near her house.
Bugs's Bunny (2022)
A look back at the night in early 1938 when the preliminary version of Bugs Bunny was first sketched.
2023 Student World Impact Film Festival Finalist.
2023 The FilmJoint Best Picture Nominee, Best International Film Nominee​​​​​​​.
The Gray-Haired Men (2021)
A film poem dedicated to brotherhood and companionship, filmed over the course of three years.
2021 Silicon Beach Film Festival Best Editing Short Narrative.
2021 Topanga Film Festival Official Selection.
Forgive Me (2021)
A film poem detailing a young man’s unspoken thoughts of inadequacy.
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